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Network Marketing is about to get a whole lot easier.

Enroll more reps with our easy to use setup forget reminder system.

Reminder system follows up for you on auto pilot. Get more participation to your telephone & web cast presentations on time. Automatically!

Statics’ shows, the more potential affiliates you can present to, the more opportunities are accomplished. How many times have you heard ”it’s a numbers game”?

Our system will invite your potential business partners by way of an invitational text messaging service on his or hers cell phone. With their permission you enter them or they enter themselves into the reminder system.

Simply by text-ing on their cell phone a five digit code and keyword they’re in the system.
They can also visit your web page or with any one of the many custom pages we provide & host. Within just a few seconds of text-ing they are entered in the system for auto follow ups.

Here is how it works:

Message #1 is delivered back confirming they are now in the system.

Message #2 is delivered 40 minutes prior to your next business briefing. “conference call”

Message #3 is deployed 5 minutes prior to the actual start time. (a take action now text message)

Message #4 is released with a quick text survey*, goes out 1 hour after message #3 (optional)

Message #5 is then sent with your website & contact information. (optional)

* Survey will confirm they were on the call and interest level. Then system notifies you by immediately by an e mail or text of their response to the survey, instantly. If survey indicates they missed the call, do nothing and the system repeats on the next schedule. At this point a verbal follow up should take place. You may always the system repeats on the next schedule. At this point a verbal follow up should take place. You may always

Spend more of your valuable time inviting. Let this system remind them to get on the call. This system is worth hundreds of dollars. Type in "MLM PROMO" at free trial sign up for special price offer. Allow your team access to build down lines quickly.

Now you can post messages to all of your favorite social networks and blogs at the same time with a single click.